Friday 10 February 2012

Chapter 2 - One Vampire, Three Dates And A Gorilla

When we last left Dylan, he had spent a disastrous evening, (a poor excuse for a date) with his band-mate Olivia. Now, this morning was only his third in Bridgeport, so I had hope that things would get better.

Let's hope that him choking on his breakfast isn't a sign of how things will go...

Undeterred, Dylan arranged to meet his band members to practice in the park and maybe get some tips, as he was fast running out of money.

It annoys me how sims use the subway system, so I bought Dylan a nice, cheap bike to get around on.

(It was all he could afford.)

Unsurprisingly, it was BBF Olivia that greeted Dylan, while Julianna just casually chilled on a bench.

Thankfully, Julianna did get off her lazy butt for rehearsals, and Dylan's drumming skills increased a bit. And they even made a little dough too.

After Julianna left, Dylan and Olivia didn't hesitate before having a little gossip about her...

My sims are so bitchy...

When Dylan returned home, he retrieved his post from his pigeon-hole.

It was nothing exciting...

Neither were his activities for the rest of the night...

 Until a creepy looking neighbour dropped by to introduce herself.

However, all she ended up doing was feeling herself up; Dylan obviously lives in a weird neighbourhood...

It goes without saying that Dylan didn't speak to her for long.

The following evening, Dylan and Olivia visited a local lounge. 

A lounge, which just so happened to be a vampire lounge. Which explains why Blake Andena turned up barely half an hour after Dylan and Olivia arrived.

Blake instantly moved in on Dylan, which I can understand, he is lovely.

Being the mardy cow she is, Olivia reacted just the way I thought she would. She's obviously not impressed by Dylan's new, slightly more vampiric friend.

Quick side note - Just as I was writing this bit, 'Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much' came on. Spooky...

Dylan on the other hand, was. They spent the rest of the evening together, chatting and getting to know eachother.

Until the club closed, when Blake was tragically impaled by a stranger in the lift.

The next morning, Dylan invited Blake to the bar that he was performing in that afternoon.

Don't worry, I kind of forgot he was in a band too.

It's a good job he did invite her, 'cause she was the only person that turned up to watch, and even she seemed nonchalant.

This one's just because of Olivia's face. I don't think she has ever pulled a normal face...

Meanwhile, at chez Dylan, his financial circumstances had finally hit rock bottom.

After the show, Blake was there to tell Dylan how wonderful he was.

He took the opportunity to ask her out on a date.

He took her to the romantic al fresco restaurant down the street from the bar.

Dylan, being the pauper he is, couldn't afford food, so drinks had to suffice.

Curiously, as they sipped on their cocktails, they didn't even say a word to eachother.

God, I picked a good one, didn't I?

Suitably liquored up, Blake agreed to come back to Dylan's apartment.

After a lovely chat, Blake and Dylan settled on the sofa for a quite evening.

Is it just me, or does Dylan look like he's about to cop a feel?

Which sets the scene for what happened next...

Following the action downstairs, they retired to the bedroom for some downstairs action.

We soon found that Blake doesn't mess around. As soon as the deed was done, she was up and gone, vanished into the night. The little midnight minx!

Dylan devoted the next few days to improving his musical skills.

But there was always time for Blake.

Whether it was a quick fondle in a public hot-tub...

Or a romantic evening surrounded by nature.

Things with the band were picking up, and they rarely went three days without a gig of some description.

Their audiences were growing in number, resulting in more money for Dylan.

And therefore fewer repossessions.

Dylan also became a minor celebrity, and was papped every few times he went out.

Even when doing mundane things, like meeting friends for a quick bite.

After a few days of routine monotony, Dylan hosted a party. Just for shits and giggs really.

At first it seemed like a nice party. Everyone was socialising, having fun.


Blake apparently got a bit peckish, and had a bite of Dylan.

It's funny what sims get upset about sometimes, but Olivia was having none of it.

Maybe she doesn't like Dylan being used for his plasma. Who knows?

And Blake, not exactly a wallflower herself, reacted just as you'd expect...

Well, it turns out that Olivia is not only moody. She's a fricking crazy bitch.

And apparently also a gorilla. Olivia Carlson, woman of many faces...

As you can imagine, shy Dylan didn't cope well with the two most important people in his life fighting.

I feel very sorry for him, but it seems like he has a big decision to make.

And with these dramatic events, I bid you adieu! Thankyou for reading the second chapter of The Blake Family Legacy, and I hope you enjoyed it, and come back in a week or so for the third! :)

So answer me this...

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